Good Government
We are besieged on a daily basis by the narrative of the Republican Party that all government is bad bad bad and can't do anything right. I believe people are susceptible to this spin because they are unaware of all the task government does do. At a recent Committee of the Whole meeting, Chairman Jack Franks highlighted a feature on the County's web site that addresses this issue.
The McHenry County Strategic Plan with 2019 Action Items gives you a clear sense of the magnitude of activities the County is involved in on a daily basis. A new Strategic Plan Report Card is now included to, "promote the transparency and accountability of this organization by providing the citizenry with updates on our progress and a manner with which to measure our progress in achieving the goals set in the Strategic Plan." A little wordy, but you get the idea, a self assessment of how the organization is meeting its goals and objectives. If you ever run into someone who hasn't a clue what County Government does, send them to the Strategic Plan button at the top right corner of the County's web site. It's a good as plan as any to start combating the Republican spin against government.
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