Central Committee Meeting
Meet the candidates
Gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy and candidate for the 6th Congressional District Sean Casten will speak at the meeting for October.
We will meet at McHenry County College in Luecht Conference Center (that's the big auditorium in the B Building). Park in the south lot and enter the Building B entrance. Click on the map to zoom in.
7:00 — Doors open
7:15 — Announcements
7:30 — Candidate presentations
8:15 — District breakout sessions
9:00 — Adjourn
Please RSVP before the meeting
You should RSVP prior to the meeting, even if you are not sure you will be attending. If you are on the RSVP list, our check-in staff can get you checked in with a single mouse click. If you are bringing a guest, please have them RSVP separately so that we have their name on the list. Thanks.
Bring a friend to the meeting!
Introduce a friend or neighbor to grassroots politics and help us grow the Party.
8900 US-14
Luecht Auditorium
Crystal Lake, IL 60012
United States
Google Map & Directions
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