Meetings & Socials

This is the place to start getting involved

The Democratic Party of McHenry County meets once a month on the third Wednesday of the month (except for December). We announce details and location of the meetings on this page, and we encourage you to attend. If you do plan to attend a meeting, please RSVP on the meeting details page so we know you are coming. That makes it much faster to get you checked in at the door.

If big meetings are just not your thing, we also have smaller local meetings and activities in each of our six County Board districts. There's plenty to do at the local level, and your District Chair would love to meet you and work with you to support our activities. You can find out more about those events on our County Board pages.

Monday, October 07, 2024 at 05:30 PM · 2 RSVPs
Bravos Pizza in Harvard, IL

District 8 Democrats - Harvard Roundtable

District 8 Democratic Roundtable Discussion
for Democratic Voters in 
Harvard, Alden, Hartland, Dunham and Chemung Townships

Let's meet and talk with like-minded voters to prepare for the November 5th election.  Learn about the candidates on your ballot and early voting. We'll have Harris-Walz yard signs for you and any of your friends and neighbors who need one, and we ask for a $10 donation for each. And we'll have supplies for canvassing. 

If you can, please bring a bag of wrapped (non-chocolate) candy for distribution in the upcoming Marengo Settler's Day Parade.

And we'll be talking about candidates for the upcoming April 1, 2025 municipal elections.

This event is BYOB -- Bring Your Own Buddy.  Let's all try to bring another voter to the roundtable.  We are in this together.  Welcome Democrats.  Please RSVP.

-- Pat Lawlor, District 8 Chair, [email protected]

WHEN:  Monday, October 7, 2024 - 5:30 to 7:00 pm
WHERE:  Bravos Pizza, 337 South Division Street, Harvard

Wednesday, October 09, 2024 at 06:30 PM · 1 RSVP
Red Dogs Sandwiches in Richmond, IL

District 8 Democrats - Richmond Roundtable

District 8 Democrats -- Richmond Roundtable Discussion
Crafted especially for Democratic Voters in Richmond & Hebron Townships

WHEN:  Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 6:30 to 8:00 pm
WHERE:  Red Dogs Sandwiches, 11011 Highway 12, Richmond

Let's meet and talk with like-minded voters to prepare for the November 5th election.  Learn about the candidates on your ballot and early voting.  We'll have Harris-Walz yard signs for you and any of your friends and neighbors who need one, and we ask for a $10 donation for each.  And we'll have supplies for canvassing. 

If you can, please bring a bag of wrapped (non-chocolate) candy for distribution in the upcoming Marengo Settler's Day Parade.

And we'll be talking about candidates for the upcoming April 1st 2025 municipal elections.

This event is BYOB -- Bring Your Own Buddy.  Let's all try to bring another voter to the roundtable.  We are in this together.  Welcome Democrats.  Please RSVP.

-- Pat Lawlor, District 8 Chair, [email protected]

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 07:00 PM · 5 RSVPs

Central Committee Meeting

Join us in the Conference Center at McHenry County College

Conference Center MCC


  • 7:00 p.m. — Doors open 
  • 7:15 p.m. — Meeting begins
  • Chair's Message
  • Reports - Officers/Districts
    • VChair 
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Events
    • District Reports
    • Committees
  • Announcements -
    • The purpose is to announce events, presentations, and actions of interest to Democrats – not for discussion items or opinions nor candidate statements (candidates should contact the chair before the meeting if they wish to address the membership and will be included on the agenda). If you have an idea for a speaker or broader discussion, you must request an addition to the agenda a week before the scheduled meeting. Please limit your announcements to 2 minutes.
  • 8:30 p.m. — Adjourn

Invite a friend to attend the meeting! Introduce a friend or neighbor to grassroots politics and help us grow the Party.

Click here for a map of MCC.

The Democratic Party of McHenry County