Moving to a new location on September 13th at 6:30pm!
Join us on September 13th at 6:30 p.m. to eat, drink, socialize, and meet some like-minded people.PLEASE NOTE:We are at a new location this month-Duke's Alehouse & Kitchenin downtown Crystal Lake. If you are ready to get out and mingle with your progressive friends again, this is your chance. Ask for Ruth's/Helen's Drinking Liberally group at the door, or head right upstairs to the small room.
Space is very limited, so make sure to RSVP if you plan on attending. The first 10 people who RSVP accepted.
Duke's Alehouse & Kitchen, 110 Main St., Crystal Lake | 6:30-9pm Duke's Kitchen creates gourmet comfort foods and artisan sandwiches utilizing sustainable ingredients from local farmers and producers.
On this day in history:
1993 - Israel-Palestine Peace Accord Signed. $epresentatives of Israel and Palestine meet on the South Lawn of the White House and sign a framework for peace. The “Declaration of Principles” was the first agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians toward ending their conflict and sharing the holy land between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea that they both claim as their homeland.
1963 - Mary Kay launches her namesake company.
1965 - Beatles release single "Yesterday" - just Paul, with strings arranged by George Martin.
1971 - Massacre at Attica Prison - Thirty-nine people were killed in a disastrous police assault, including 29 prisoners and 10 prison guards and employees held hostage since the outset of a four-day revolt.
Drinking Liberally is an informal, inclusive progressive social group. Drinking Liberally gives like-minded, left-leaning individuals a place to talk politics or any other topic that comes to mind. You don't need to be a policy expert and this isn't a book club — just come and learn from peers, trade jokes, vent frustration and hang out in an environment where it's not taboo to talk politics. Don't worry if you don't drink alcohol. Many of our members prefer soft drinks.
Drinking Liberally is a nationally chartered non-profit. It is not affiliated with the Democratic Party, but we do encourage your attendance if you are looking for a fun and relaxed way to get involved. Learn more about Drinking Liberally and Living Liberally
September 13, 2023 at 6:30pm - 9pm
Duke's Alehouse & Kitchen
110 N Main St
Small room upstairs
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
United States Google Map & Directions
Ruth Scifo
Moving to a new location on September 13th at 6:30pm!
Join us on September 13th at 6:30 p.m. to eat, drink, socialize, and meet some like-minded people.PLEASE NOTE:We are at a new location this month-Duke's Alehouse & Kitchenin downtown Crystal Lake. If you are ready to get out and mingle with your progressive friends again, this is your chance. Ask for Ruth's/Helen's Drinking Liberally group at the door, or head right upstairs to the small room.
Space is very limited, so make sure to RSVP if you plan on attending. The first 10 people who RSVP accepted.
Duke's Alehouse & Kitchen, 110 Main St., Crystal Lake | 6:30-9pm Duke's Kitchen creates gourmet comfort foods and artisan sandwiches utilizing sustainable ingredients from local farmers and producers.
On this day in history:
1993 - Israel-Palestine Peace Accord Signed. $epresentatives of Israel and Palestine meet on the South Lawn of the White House and sign a framework for peace. The “Declaration of Principles” was the first agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians toward ending their conflict and sharing the holy land between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea that they both claim as their homeland.
1963 - Mary Kay launches her namesake company.
1965 - Beatles release single "Yesterday" - just Paul, with strings arranged by George Martin.
1971 - Massacre at Attica Prison - Thirty-nine people were killed in a disastrous police assault, including 29 prisoners and 10 prison guards and employees held hostage since the outset of a four-day revolt.
Drinking Liberally is an informal, inclusive progressive social group. Drinking Liberally gives like-minded, left-leaning individuals a place to talk politics or any other topic that comes to mind. You don't need to be a policy expert and this isn't a book club — just come and learn from peers, trade jokes, vent frustration and hang out in an environment where it's not taboo to talk politics. Don't worry if you don't drink alcohol. Many of our members prefer soft drinks.
Drinking Liberally is a nationally chartered non-profit. It is not affiliated with the Democratic Party, but we do encourage your attendance if you are looking for a fun and relaxed way to get involved. Learn more about Drinking Liberally and Living Liberally
September 13, 2023 at 6:30pm - 9pm
Duke's Alehouse & Kitchen
110 N Main St
Small room upstairs
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
United States Google Map & Directions
Ruth Scifo
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