Run for Office

101 Steps to Victory

Why you should run for office

Democrats and Republicans really are different. It really does matter who wins, because our community and our nation are guided by the decisions made by human beings called politicians. Those politicians start out as candidates, and they are elected by other human beings who vote based on the limited information they have about the candidates. It's far from a perfect process, as evidenced by the presidential election of 2016.

If we want a world shaped by our progressive values of equality of opportunity, respect for diversity, and justice for all humankind, then we must live our values. We must choose to fight for what we believe. And that means some of us must run for office. In order to be successful, it's imperative that we do it with intelligence and proper grounding in the methods that are proven to work.

Start by reading 101 Steps to Victory. If you are running for, say, school board, you will not need to follow every step, but you will still get a good overview of what it takes to run a campaign and win.

We can help you get your campaign off to the right start

If you want to run for office but you don't know how to get started, we can help. We can guide you through the legal filing requirements. We can help you craft the story of why you are running in a way that resonates with voters.  We can give you advice on how to organize your campaign, ask for volunteers, raise money, prepare a budget, communicate with voters, and use data effectively.  It will be hard work, but win or lose you will learn a lot, and if you win serving your community will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do.

Interested in running for office?  Here are the offices that will be on McHenry County ballots for the Consolidated Election on April 1, 2025

For more information please reach out to [email protected].


The Democratic Party of McHenry County