John's Blog

Welcome to the first posting of John's Blog.  Your District 2 Chair is an avowed news junkie, so I thought is was about time I shared my musing, thought and insights on the overlooked news of the day.  I will try to target my posts with a relevancy toward the citizens of District 2, but reserve the right to wander into State and National politics. 


I will avoid inappropriate or excessively rabid comments, gratuitous insults and "rumors" as well as any profanity.  So much of what we see and read on social media is disingenuous and contributes nothing to informed debate other than to inflame passions.  My motto, if you can't make a reasonable well thought out argument, you shouldn't be commenting.

O.K.  Let's start out with a extremely positive note for residents of District 2.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi named the members for the House Special Select Panel on Climate Change.  The panel will focus on global warming from the standpoint of health, security, economics and morality.  Appointed to the panel will be our own Sixth Congressional District Congressman Sean Casten.  Anyone who has ever heard Congressman Casten speak in public or private know this is the issue that sparked his desire to run for Congress.  You  also know that he is a true policy wonk on environmental issues and has the right blend of business savvy and scientific expertise to make a significant contribution to the new House Select Committee.  To everyone who work on his campaign, this is the pay off for all your hard work and dedication.  The residents of District 2 have someone who's got their backs on environmental matter.

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  • Bob Barton
    commented 2019-02-12 07:58:33 -0600
    I had the opportunity to meet and talk with Rep. Casten early in the primary race and he talked about his engineering background at Eastman Kodak and how much he wanted to push a green clean agenda, but for the environment as well as jobs. He is very smart and this issue is not only IN his wheelhouse…it IS his wheelhouse! It’s a GREAT example of putting the right person in the right position! I wish Rep. Casten good luck going forward and hope the panel’s ideas can gain legislative traction!
The Democratic Party of McHenry County