Marengo Democrats in District 6

Lauren Underwood, congressional candidate, Rescheduled after snow storm!

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  • Renee Hill
    rsvped +2 2018-02-15 16:17:07 -0600
  • David Radford
    rsvped +1 2018-02-14 09:36:35 -0600
  • Cathy Johnson
    commented 2018-02-12 14:28:49 -0600
    I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to reschedule with so few days left. There are lots of democratic voters here in Marengo and in District 6. I think there will be some surprises March 20th after they count the votes.
  • Cathy Johnson
    rsvped +1 2018-02-12 14:26:29 -0600
The Democratic Party of McHenry County