County Fair Booth Staffing

Be an ambassador for our progressive values.
Sign up for a shift or two (or more) and help us
keep the Blue Wave going!

Meetings & Socials

Democratic Party fair boothWe need volunteers to staff our booth during the fair. It's easy work and lots of fun. We have one-day fair passes for for our volunteers who need them, or the Party can reimburse you. If the shifts we have listed don't fit your schedule, just let us know and we can work something out. Thanks!

The County Fair celebrates our local farmers and the foods they produce. Walk through the barns where you can learn about beef, dairy, swine and poultry. Visit the gardens where you can see, learn, and hear from Master Gardeners about growing your own vegetables. Meet some of the farmers who produce your food. Learn about the history of farming in McHenry County. And then, sample some local food.  For more information visit the County Fair website.

August 03, 2021 at 12:00pm - August 08, 2021
McHenry County Fair
1051 Country Club Rd
Building D
Woodstock, IL 60098
United States
Google map and directions
Renee Hill · · 815-353-9032

Will you come?

Choose the shifts you can work (please sign up for as many as you like)

Tue, Aug 03:
Wed, Aug 04:
Thu, Aug 05:
Fri, Aug 06:
Sat, Aug 07:
Sun, Aug 08:
33 RSVPs
Rene Cruz Cathy Johnson Karen Shuman Karen Sprouse-Gerbig John Sarff Mary Mahady Ruth Scifo Natalya Sniff Lisa Arvanites Natalie Ziemba Elizabeth Speros Mark Fenton Arlene Kelly Kelli Wegener Wendy Piersall Michael Cortina Peter Janko Cindy Pilz Dawn Milarski Amanda (Amy) Stock David Trost Cathy Christensen Stuart Thiel Theresa Hart Terry Kappel Brian Meyers Joan Davis

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The Democratic Party of McHenry County