District 6 News

Celebrating Freedom at the DNC Convention

Democrats believe in freedom!

Video from the DNC 2024 Convention in Chicago featuring Beyonce's "Freedom".

Veteran's Committee News

Our Democrats Fight Back - IDCCA 2023

Our Democrats fight back.

Illinois Democratic Chairs Association 2023 Brunch

COVID-19 Information for You

Democrats in McHenry County are a compassionate community. No matter what we look like, where we live, or what's in our wallets, getting sick reminds us that at our core we’re all just human. We are worried about how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting our neighbors, our economy, and our democratic processes.  Because we believe good government and good leadership are vital in times of crisis, we are posting the below links to public and community resources to help you stay healthy, stay safe, and stay connected. We are in this together, apart. 

COVID-19 vaccination sign up for McHenry County residents thru the health department can be found here -


Or you can call the COVID-19 Call Center from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at (815) 334- 4045.

To locate other vaccination sites for McHenry County please click here:




Stay connected with us -  Sign up here


Cathy's Story

In these turbulent times you might wonder why I’m spending my time and energy searching for Democrats, planning events and then getting them all out to vote. These District 6 pages on the Democratic Party website are my newest tool.

Let’s start with me explaining “why” I’m doing it all:

My first three years of teaching in a very poor neighborhood on the west side of Chicago was at Samuel Morse Elementary School. Politics was the furthest thing from my mind.  It took so much energy and planning and food prep just to survive. Yes, food prep!

Students came to school hungry every day.  If fed them egg salad on crackers, peanut butter, cheese and whatever fruit I could get.  The stories I could tell… The day I became a democrat was the day President Ronald Reagan announced catsup was a vegetable and that catsup would suffice for students in the free lunch program.

That day politics became real for me.

That is the “why” in my story. I’ve mostly worked for Democratic candidates over the years.  I’ve been elected for nonpartisan local offices a number of times.  I  joined McHenry County Democrats a number of years back when I finally attended a few meetings. I felt an energy and caring and determination gathering. I ran for County Board in D6 and lost the same day Trump was elected.

Disgusted and yet determined Ruth Scifo and I organized a bus to go to the Women’s March in Washington DC. And “politics” became something even more. We felt the power marching with over a million others and realized that “we” can determine our future if we are smart.

We have six month until Nov.3rd. Let’s see how many Dems we can find and engage. Let’s focus on those really important issues and let’s get new voters registered and all out to vote Nov. 3rd. (Hopefully mail in ballots will be available for all.)

Let’s use this space to draw in democrats and maybe a few new voters into our County party. Let’s start with your story. When did you realize you were a democrat? Would you share it with us? 

Regional Superintendent Question

Oh boy, if your scratching your head on the wording of the Regional Superintendent question on the ballot its because 24 County Board members decided to amend the original referendum question in open session......in other words making sausage.

A warning from Alexander Hamilton

Alexander HamiltonThe truth unquestionably is, that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices of the people, and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion, and bring on civil commotion. Tired at length of anarchy, or want of government, they may take shelter in the arms of monarchy for repose and security.

Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy—not that this is the intention of the generality of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected.

Impeachment vs. Winning

First, up front, let me state that this is a personal opinion and not an approved position of the local Democratic Party.  We Democrats are in a quandary over the impeachment question and understandably.  The question on whether to impeach the current President of the United States is one of the those cases in which something is obviously justified, but just as obviously wrong. 

Good Government

We are besieged on a daily basis by the narrative of the Republican Party that all government is bad bad bad and can't do anything right.  I believe people are susceptible to this spin because they are unaware of all the task government does do.  At a recent Committee of the Whole meeting, Chairman Jack Franks highlighted a feature on the County's web site that addresses this issue.

How Many Precincts?

County Clerk Joe Tirio has proposed splitting four existing Precincts to create four new ones pursuant to IL Statute 10 ILCS 5/11-3.  The question is how he targeted these four Precincts and why now?

The Democratic Party of McHenry County