Calling all elected and appointed PC's!A special meeting is being called to fill vacancies on the ballot.
Nominationsinvacanciesoccur when no Democrat files in the primary for a race. In this situation, our DPMC CC Constitution (which can be found on our website) requires that any candidate who wishes to be slated present their credentials to the Executive Board. The Board then votes to make a recommendation tonominateto the Central Committee. All individuals recommended by the Executive Board for caucus shall appear before the Central Committee, whose members shall decide by a majority of the weighted vote who shall be nominated for office.
Following this procedure, the Executive Board has met and will make recommendations to the Central Committee for nomination. A special meeting has been set for Tuesday, April 30th at 7:00pm for this purpose. At the start of the meeting, the Oath of Office will be administered to any elected or appointed PC's in attendance who require it.
Because a quorum is required, it is of the utmost importance that Precinct Committeepersons be in attendance at this meeting. Please RSVP to let us know if we will achieve a quorum.
April 30, 2024 at 7:00pm - 9pm
McHenry County College
US Hwy 14 & Tartan Drive
Crystal Lake, IL 60012
United States Google Map & Directions
Ruth Scifo
66 RSVPs
Calling all elected and appointed PC's!A special meeting is being called to fill vacancies on the ballot.
Nominationsinvacanciesoccur when no Democrat files in the primary for a race. In this situation, our DPMC CC Constitution (which can be found on our website) requires that any candidate who wishes to be slated present their credentials to the Executive Board. The Board then votes to make a recommendation tonominateto the Central Committee. All individuals recommended by the Executive Board for caucus shall appear before the Central Committee, whose members shall decide by a majority of the weighted vote who shall be nominated for office.
Following this procedure, the Executive Board has met and will make recommendations to the Central Committee for nomination. A special meeting has been set for Tuesday, April 30th at 7:00pm for this purpose. At the start of the meeting, the Oath of Office will be administered to any elected or appointed PC's in attendance who require it.
Because a quorum is required, it is of the utmost importance that Precinct Committeepersons be in attendance at this meeting. Please RSVP to let us know if we will achieve a quorum.
April 30, 2024 at 7:00pm - 9pm
McHenry County College
US Hwy 14 & Tartan Drive
Crystal Lake, IL 60012
United States Google Map & Directions
Ruth Scifo
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